Passion, humanity...
And a Noble Vision.

Together with our partners, we contribute to health, education, economic, and social development and poverty reduction, which are in line with the policy priorities of the Government of Ghana and the recently launched Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Improves health (SDG 3), WASH (SDG 6) and, end hunger/ more jobs (SDGs 2 and 8).

Naa-Adole foundation on Sustainable Develoment Goals

To use functional means of empowering young people with vocational and technical skills for career development.

Our Mission|Naa-Adole Foundation™
Inspired by Passion for humanity.

Passion and Service,
Now and beyond.

Our aim is to improve health and increase sustainable economic development through capacity building. Our wide range of activities are geared towards Adolescent Reproductive Health Support, Menstrual Hygiene Campaign, Adolescent Counselling, Vocational skills training, Teenage Pregnancy Awareness campaign, Family Planning Awareness Campaign, Back to School Campaign, Adolescent Empowerment Programmes, and Advocacies.

We focus our activities on two main sectors: Health and Education. Our cross-cutting programmes include gender, youth, and creating an enabling environment.

Empowering the younger generation to become responsible adults.

Our Vision|Naa-Adole Foundation™